EG915U stuck in searching state wit signal quality 0% and there is a signal in the place

The SIM and eSIM have the same issue with LTE connection, the status stuck on searching and the signal quality is 0% and there is a signal in the site this is the status with the firmware version

Hardware | manufacturer: Quectel
| model: EG915U
| firmware revision: EG915UEUABR03A01M08
| supported: gsm-umts
| current: gsm-umts
| equipment id: 866344054339473

System | device: /sys/devices/platform/soc/5800d000.usb/usb1/1-1
| drivers: option, cdc_ether
| plugin: quectel
| primary port: ttyUSB5
| ports: ttyUSB0 (at), ttyUSB5 (at), ttyUSB6 (at), usb0 (net)

Status | unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-puk (10), sim-pin2 (3), sim-puk2 (10)
| state: searching
| power state: on
| signal quality: 0% (recent)

Is there any firmware update can fix this issue?

Hi @Alaa
Please ensure that the module antenna is connected properly.

Hi @lyman-Q
The antenna is connected and I can access gsm only, but when I tried to access LTE by the command “AT+QCFG=“nwscanmode”,3,1”, this error occurs, and note that I have LTE connection on my phone in the same place. How I can debug this issue.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Alaa
May I ask what error code was reported?

Hi @lyman-Q,
I mean the modem stocking in the searching state and cannot connect to LTE network, just connected to GSM