I try to flash QuecPython image on Quectel EG15N-EUAG. The device is with the original AT firmware, I want to convert it to Python enabled firmware. I fail to do the update both with FOTA and with QFlasher/QPycom.
On Windows 10 installed the latest driver QuecPython_USB_Driver_Win10_ASR.
I see 3 COM ports: Quectel USB AT Port (COM7), Quectel USB Diag Port(COM4), Quectel USB NMEA Port (COM6)
Test QFlash 7.3 by updating with ordinary firmware: EG915NEUAGR03A16M16_01.200.01.200.zip. It works - the device is updated, I can see that it boots with the new version.
Download latest QuecPython for EG915N: QPY_OCPU_V0001_EG915N_EAAC_FW.bin
Neither Pycom nor QFlash work. PyCom 3.6 hangs for a 2-3 min and exits with status failed. QFlash starts some process, several log messages blink quickly on the status bar. But after 2-3 seconds displays a red messge that Download failed.
May I ask if the module you use is EG915NEUAG? From your description, the python firmware you burned is QPY_OCPU_V0001_EG915N_EAAC_FW.bin, do I understand?
The problem may be caused by inconsistency with the firmware model and module model
hi, defun
At present, the firmware of EG915NEUAG is not available on the official website, I am applying for the firmware with the internal team, and I will give you feedback as soon as possible, thank you