EG800K_EU can send sms PDU? how to do?

EG800K_EU can send sms PDU? how to do with a sim Vodafone?

This is a huge topic. What do you need to know?

Thanks for answer.
I can send SMS with MC60, but need porting to EG800K.
The AT cmds sequence to send has success, I receive OK after send PDU type SMS, according “submit frame”.
But on Vodafone page SMS delivery result failed.
I don’t understand why using same SMS frame with new module Vodafone seems stop forwarding.
What I miss? What can I check? Why modem doesn’t return error?

Make sure the Vodafone message centre number is correct. Read it from the SIM with AT+CSCA?

What does it return then? From the +CMGS command you executed, I mean?

following a log of what I tried


[2024-09-13_08:42:28:173]+CFUN: 1
[2024-09-13_08:42:29:784]+CPIN: READY

[2024-09-13_08:42:29:784]+QUSIM: 1
[2024-09-13_08:42:30:767]+QIND: SMS DONE

[2024-09-13_08:42:30:767]+QIND: PB DONE


[2024-09-13_08:43:05:278]+CREG: 0,5


[2024-09-13_08:43:07:441]+CGREG: 0,5


[2024-09-13_08:43:09:056]+CEREG: 0,5







[2024-09-13_08:43:23:560]+CSMS: 0,1,1,1


[2024-09-13_08:43:24:829]+CMGF: 0


[2024-09-13_08:43:26:508]+CSCA: "+316540967011",145


[2024-09-13_08:43:27:958]+CPMS: "ME",0,180,"ME",0,180,"ME",0,180


[2024-09-13_08:44:02:085]> 0001000991********f*00040401020304   // obscured destination number, left padding char
[2024-09-13_08:44:06:963]+CMGS: 44


[2024-09-13_08:45:27:768]Revision: EG800KEULCR07A01M04




You got a message reference number returned, so that SMS was sent successfully.

I notice your PDU-type octet “01” implies you’re using an “enhanced format” validity period.

This is highly unusual. Is it encoded correctly? Is it supported by Vodafone Netherlands?

Please disregard my comment about the validity period being enhanced format. PDU-type 01 means there is no validity period specified. Your validity period format is “00” binary.

3GPP 23.040, section

Right about validity period.
I’m not sure about DSC format 04, in PDU header, but other modem MC60 use this, so I think is not an issue.
Code format (binary used) on LTE is admitted?

I notice EG800K doesn’t let me set GPRS mode only, so I can’t force fallback to that network.
Also it hasn’t “ims” capability.
All hw/fw requirements to send sms are satisfied?

Vodafone maybe can block output sms in roaming over LTE? For example preventing spam?

DCS 04 (00000100 binary) is using 8-bit data for the text payload. If the content is text, this is standard ASCII encoding. 3GPP 23.038, section 4.

But it means you’re limited to 140 characters per SMS, rather than the 160 available if you use the SMS default alphabet.

Do you mean the AT+CGSMS command? I would set that to 2 (packet domain preferred, with automatic fallback to circuit-switched): AT+CGSMS=2

Yes, I was meaning the AT+CGSMS, it’s always 3, no matter what I try to set, when I read back always 3 is returned.

Saddly, after many tries with AT+CGSMS, and AT+QCFG=“nwscanmode”,(X), my modem is out of works, I’m waiting for sale-support about that…

That should work just fine in all situations (other things being equal). It just means a circuit-switched connection is tried first (before a packet-domain connection is tried). LTE does not support circuit-switched.

Do you have reason to suspect the SMS connection requires IMS?

I just don’t understand and don’t know why with same sim-card (an on-chip sim by Vodafone) module MC60 is able to reach customer destination by sending sms, but EG800K can’t.

About IMS, I was asking of it because I read IMS is the modern solution to address sms handling on LTE devices.

Now if all suspects about modem are supersedes, I can investigate on network operator configuration

In general, no. Just in some specific cases. I don’t know if Vodafone Netherlands is such a case.