EG25G Voice over USB


I’m using an EG25-G for data, SMS, and Voice with the voice over USB.
The only document I can find near that topic is the UC20 Voice over USB Application Note and of course the EC2x AT commands reference.

I am using the NMEA port for voice/usb and it works but not reliably.
Most of the time it takes about 9 seconds for audio from the modem to be recognized by the remote usb end
About half the time by USB receiver gets nothing but static.
Occasionally it works perfectly.

  1. Is there an EG25-G voice over USB document? If not maybe for the EC25?
  2. Is it better to use the NMEA port or the debug UART?
  3. If there is no documentation can you tell me how I should configure the remote USB device port? e.g. baudrate?
  4. Do you have any idea what might be causing this?

Many thanks,

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Sorry for the dalay. Voice over the USB is not maintained more by Quectel, it’s recommended to use UAC(USB audio class) function instead.
Please refer to
Quectel_LTE_Standard_UAC_Application_Note_V1.0.pdf (324.2 KB)

Thanks for the update. I was able to get things working.