EG25-G USB driver for Raspberry Pi 4B


I need the drivers to use EG25-G in ECM mode on Raspberry Pi 4B.
Also, how can I send AT commands on Raspberry Pi?

Thank you.

You can use standard Linux drivers and any Linux terminal app like picocom, minicom, etc.

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Thanks for your fast reply,

  1. Does it mean that I don’t need to install anything else, because the USB drivers are installed by default?

  2. I have been reading the Linux USB Driver User Guide and it shows I have to use ttyUSB2 to send AT commands. To provide net to the Raspberry Pi, it’s as simple as setting the modem in ECM mode like this?
    Or it needs further configuration?

Thanks again

The AT command port is normally the 3rd serial interface exposed by this modem, so in the absence of other serial devices in the system it will be /dev/ttyUSB2
AT+QCFG="usbnet",1 is the command to switch into ECM.

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