EG21-G no response from QHTTPPOST command


Currently working with an EG21-G module, i’ve managed to successfully send some http post to both an http and https url.

But recently, when i try send a QHHTPOST command to my module with the https url loaded in, i can’t even get a “CONNECT” or error message. I’m forced to use QHTTPSTOP to end the session and not get any error down the way when trying to open new HTTP sessions.

The module still works no problem when using an http url.

Any insight on how i could know what went wrong, or how i could resolve this issue using commands/resetting module? I’ve send post to this https adress before, and didn’t change the configuration of neither the url context or my server.

Hi @elouanhocinenexelec
Is the server connected with SSL, the address starting with https? If https is used, you need to set SSL parameters for the connection. Is HTTPGET successful?