EC600U-EU SIM Toolkit Questions

Hi All,

I’d like to seek your help on SIM Toolkit for EC600U-EU. I have searched on the website on whether it supports SIM Toolkit and the AT command manual but I couldn’t find one. Can you please advise on how to enable SIM toolkit on EC600U-EU and share the STK manual? I have tried to input the command below and it returns OK but I understand from other thread in this forum that doesn’t mean it supports STK.

To support some stk functions, you need to provide the current firmware version and the specific stk functions required.

Hi, sorry, I just noticed that you answered my question. The firmware version is as follow: EC600UEUABR03A01M08_01.200.01.200. We need the following functions to work:

  • The device must be capable of handling “SET UP EVENT LIST”, "POLL INTERVAL " and "REFRESH " proactive commands
  • VLR LU
  • Retain APN
  • IMSI Switch

Kindly support.