EC2X set or remove PIN

I used the command AT+CPWD to change the sim pin.
But i don’t know how to I set a pin to a sim that doesn’t have the pin.
And how can I remove the pin from a sim that has a pin ?

Hello jackq, thanks for your question on quectel forums
If you want execute AT+CPWD command, you should set the pin code firstly, then you can modify the pin code.
AT+CLCK=“SC”,2 //Query the status of (U)SIM card
AT+CLCK=“SC”,1,“1234” //Lock (U)SIM card, and the password is 1234
Then after reboot the module, you should execute AT+CPIN=1234 to make SIM card work well.
If you do not want use pin code, you can execute AT+CLCK=“SC”,0,“1234” unlock (U)SIM card.

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