I have quectel dev board with EC25-E/EC25-EU/EC21-E modules.
Here is this dev board photo:
I want to debug low level bootloader (early stages), maybe try to port u-boot to mdm9x07 (as EC2X modules are based on mdm9207/mdm9607 SoC).
I have Segger J-Link debugger and can use Segger software (or OpenOCD).
I connected jtag adaper to the board, but no device can be detected on the chain:
Device "CORTEX-A7" selected.
Connecting to target via JTAG
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
TotalIRLen = ?, IRPrint = 0x..000000000000000000000000
My question is, what should I do to enable JTAG debug right after power up? Maybe somebody can share mdm9x07 related jtag debug scripts.
I have seen somewhere across internet, that most probably quectel/qualcomm original SDK assume using LAUTERBACH software.
I can try port scripts from their software to segger or opencd, or just pick up LAUTERBACH’s power debug adaper with their original software.
Need some comments on jtag debugging and manuals.