EC25 SMTP / How to send email to gmail@com

Has anyone been able to send an email using EC2x&EG9x&EM05 SMTP AT Commands Manual ?
Can anyone share the AT-commands log which resulted in a successful send from gmail account to gmail account , please ?
I tried to send in all variations : without SSL / with SSL / with STARTTLS . With all ports variations recommended by gmail. Not a single error message - but not a single letter received

Revision: EC25EUGAR06A05M4G

Hi,Hello, I can’t find the GMAIL address. I tried to send it by email 163, but I can receive it. May I ask if you executed the send command at last, and “+QSMTPPUT: 0,0” urc appeared after sending?




[2022-11-29_15:26:01:951]+QIACT: 1,1,1,“”







[2022-11-29_15:26:16:815]AT+QSMTPSUB=0,“TEST SMTP”


[2022-11-29_15:26:23:239]+QSMTPSUB: 0,“TEST SMTP”


[2022-11-29_15:26:42:173]+QSMTPBODY: 10


[2022-11-29_15:26:52:789]+QSMTPPUT: 0,0