[EC25] Porting QConnectManager on android device

Dear Support,
I want to do QConnectManager porting on android device ( Android 12 Kernel 5.4.191)
I need the android.mk file for Quectel_QConnectManager_Linux_V1.6.3.2
Could you provide?


Dear Customer,

On Android, even you have tried it successfully to porting QConnectManager, it will not work as expected.

  1. If you would like port QConnectManager on Android, you need to use NDK.
    2.On Android, it is better to port RIL driver. —> The best one
  2. If you don’t mind the performance of the EC25, you could use the EC25 as an ethernet interface.
    usb%d —> eth%d
    And set the EC25 to ECM mode. (AT+QCFG=“usbnet”,1)