EC25 module how to setting up the apn, user name and password to network operator?

Hello Quectel, I actually set my APN network operator like this.

AT+QCFG="nwscanseq", 04,1

And it work perfet in Italy.

But I am trying to setting up others network operator like
Telekom and O2 in germany and this don’t work with the respective APN configurations,
How can I to setting up the APN, user name and password for this networks?

apn 4g germany

APN: internet.t-mobile
User name: t-mobile
Password: tm
PDP Type: IP
Auth Type:PAP
MCC: 262
MNC: 06
Dial number: *99#


Hello umb, thank you for your question
You can use the AT+CGDCONT command to configure the IP type and APN. In other areas, you only need to use the APN of the local operator. If you want to configure the account name, password and health rights method, you can use the AT+QICSGP command to configure. You can refer to the AT command manual of the module for specific command usage, thank you.

Thank you Ducan.Xu I have understood the problem.