EC25: Inconsistency of documentation GNSS AN ver.1.3

Hi everyone,

I work on the EC25 module:
Revision: EC25EFAR06A10M4G

+QGPSCFG: “outport”,(“none”,“usbnmea”,“uartdebug”)
+QGPSCFG: “nmeasrc”,(0,1)
+QGPSCFG: “gpsnmeatype”,(0-31)
+QGPSCFG: “glonassnmeatype”,(0-7)
+QGPSCFG: “galileonmeatype”,(0,1)
+QGPSCFG: “beidounmeatype”,(0-3)
+QGPSCFG: “gsvextnmeatype”,(0,1)
+QGPSCFG: “gnssconfig”,(0-6)
+QGPSCFG: “odpcontrol”,(0-2)
+QGPSCFG: “dpoenable”,(0-2)
+QGPSCFG: “plane”,(0-2)
+QGPSCFG: “autogps”,(0,1)
+QGPSCFG: “suplver”,(1,2)
+QGPSCFG: “agpsposmode”,(0-4294967295)
+QGPSCFG: “lbsapn”,(0-31),(0-4),
+QGPSCFG: “agnssprotocol”,(0-255),(0-65535)
+QGPSCFG: “assisdataupdcfg”,(0,1),(0,1),(1,16),(0-3)
+QGPSCFG: “xtratimeurccfg”,(0,1)

The PDF document (Quectel_EC2x&EG9x&EG2x-G&EM05_Series_GNSS_Application_Note_V1.3.pdf) contains not all relevant information. Where to get up-to-date information on setting up:

“agpsposmode”, (0-4294967295) ( In pdf → Range: 0–33554431)
“lbsapn”, (0-31), (0-4), (( In pdf → none)
“agnssprotocol”, (0-255), (0-65535)
“assisdataupdcfg”, (0.1), (0.1), (1.16), (0-3) (( In pdf → none)
“xtratimeurccfg”, (0,1) (( In pdf → none)

First of all, I am interested in configuring agps.
I want to make such a setting so that the EC25 itself receives the current AGPS via any of the communication channels (3G, LTE). While updating the AGPS makes an application outside the EC25 and sends it to the EC25.

Many thanks!

Hello, you can refer to the following for query configuration

Is there information about these commands:

I couldn’t find any information about that in provided pdf documentation.