I want use gpsOneXTRA
follow this document Chapter 3.3
- reboot module
- download xtra2.bin http://xtrapath8.izatcloud.net/xtra2.bin
- send xtra.bin QCOM(Before uploading the file, I checked for the existence of the file in the module.)
- AT+QFUPL=“RAM:xtra2.bin”,23373,60
[2020-03-25 15:55:05:706_S:] AT+QFUPL=“RAM:xtra2.bin”,23373,60
[2020-03-25 15:55:05:710_R:] AT+QFUPL=“RAM:xtra2.bin”,23373,60
[2020-03-25 15:55:05:713_R:] DSR:0 CTS:0 RI:0 (DCD:1)
[2020-03-25 15:55:05:714_R:] CONNECT
[2020-03-25 15:56:05:713_R:] +QFUPL: 0,0
[2020-03-25 15:56:05:713_R:] +CME ERROR: Time out
Did I miss any steps? and correct xtra2.bin site link?