Ec25-eux ec25euxgar08a09m1g help

Hello. Need help with modem EC25-EUX.
It’s hard to determine, but problem is that it stops responding to AT commands.
Fw. version:
[2024-02-26 17:52:02:507_S:] AT+CGMR
[2024-02-26 17:52:02:568_R:] AT+CGMR
[2024-02-26 17:52:02:568_R:] EC25EUXGAR08A09M1G
Can u send me this firmware and latest?

I have sent you the latest firmware

Hello! Can you please send me the latest version too?


Bump on this.
I have an issue with the EC25-eux where the network fails to register after a while.
Seen the bug reported online in release notes.
Can i get copy of the latest version of firmware and the flash tool for windows and linux. i got over 500 of these modems to get resolved

Current Version is: EC25EUXGAR08A08M1G

I have sent you the latest firmware

I have sent you the latest firmware