EC25-EC / Not Working

I bought a new “mini computer” where the EC25-EC module is installed. I live in Switzerland.

The manufacturer only has one driver installed, which I don’t even know if it’s up-to-date for my X64 Win 11

How can I check this? Unfortunately I can’t download a driver.

Also, I cannot configure the module to establish a connection with the mobile network. I’m probably missing a “dialing program” for this, or is that the QNavigator? Unfortunately, this is not installed either.

Who can help me to make this work?

Greetings from Switzerland

Drivers are publicly available on the Quectel EC25 LTE product page.
Once installed check what’s in the Device Manager.

Thank you. I have downloaded all. Which Driver for Windows 11 64x i have to use? There are 4pcs inside?

Which things i need more? QNavigator or what else is recommended for the installation?

I would install all 3 except one for Linux. You may need a terminal program like QCOM or similar to change the modem mode if necessary.
You don’t need any 3rd-party dialer, Windows should be able to handle this modem natively.

With the new Drivers all working very well ! Thanks for your Support ! :wink: