EC25-E MiniPCIe broken

My EC25-E MiniPCIe is broken.
Not detected by USB.
DebugUART only outputs �����…
Is it possible to recover it?

I tried to connect module USB_BOOT pin to VDD_EXT pin.
But that didn’t change anything.

Hello there
Please make sure you install the driver success, you can uninstall the driver and reinstall. You try the driver that i mail you, thank you.

hello there
Please provide the email address that can send email. I mail you by the email you leave but it shows that: Your message was not delivered because the recipient’s mail provider rejected it.

I am using Linux, and I thought that the driver is not needed …
The modem is not visible in lsusb.

hello there
You can try this on Windows PC. If it not recognized, the module high probability of damage.

It is also not detected in Windows.
But it sends something to the UART …
It is possible that the processor is working …
Is it possible to flash it via UART, or in some other low-level way?