EC25-AUX driver LTE request please

Hi everyone! I don’t know if I created the topic in the appropriate section, but I need urgent help. I have a tablet with windows 10 home, and they require the EC25-AUX driver. I have one that I found on the internet, but installing it turns the controller on and off, and doesn’t allow me to enable it.

Thank you very much in advance and I am attentive to any response, and sorry for my bad English.

Dear Mmanzul,
Thanks for your inquiry in Quectel forum.
You can try to download the following USB driver to have a try. Thanks!

Hi Kyson,

I’ve got the same issue, could you provide me with EC25-AUX driver for windows 10 64bit. I’ve already tried this one(Quectel_LTE&5G_Windows_USB_Driver_V2.2.2), but didn’t work. I tried your link, but it is empty!.
