EC25-AFFD :Quectel EC25-AF//Firmware Version-EC25AFFDR07A08M4G_01.002.01.002


I’m having trouble installing RIL, Android Gobinet and QMI WWAN drivers on my Android 10 Device any help will be greatly appreciated. i’m a newbie so please step by step instructions would be helpfull…Thanks in advance.

Please provide the dmesg log of the Android.
Please also privide the info:

getprop | grep ril

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$ getprop.txt (31.2 KB)
Untitled document.pdf (324.9 KB)

The EC25 is plugged in.
but there is not linux kernel driver and RIL driver yet.
You should port the linux kernel driver first.
Make sure the ttyUSB and /dev/cdc-wdm0 exist.

Hi bean, How do I port ? Do I use AT command? Im really not familiar with android drivers can you give me step by step instructions on how to install them. Thank you.