
im using a EC21-EUX and want to read the MSISDN(s) of the inserted SIM.

What i found out on my own is, that im supposed to first set the phonebook storage:
Then i should be able to get the MSISDN with

My problem is already in the first command. AT+CPBS=“ON” returns ERROR and AT+CPBS=? returns +CPBS: (“SM”,“DC”,“MC”,“ME”,“RC”,“EN”). It seems like there is no storage “ON”. AT+CNUM returns just OK without any MSISDN.

The AT-Commands Manual (EC25&EC21_AT_Commands_Manual_V1.3/2018-09-20) states in 8.4 that there should be an option “ON”. Am i missing something here? Im aware that not every SIM has its MSISDN in the phonebook, but the storage itself should be there, right? Are there other options i could try to get the MSISDN?

Thanks for every hint you can give :slight_smile:

In case software revision has something to do with this, here is the output of ATI
Revision: EC21EUXGAR08A02M1G<\r><\n>

Hello there
AT+CPBS=? return do not contain “ON”, so you can write the phone number via AT+CPBS=“SM”, you can reference the steps follow:
AT+CPBS=“SM” // chose storage
AT+CPBW=1,“phone number” // write phone number
AT+CPBR=1 // read phone number

Thanks for your reply.

I am aware that i can use different SIM storage to save the phonenumber, but since there is a dedicated storage for the own MSISDNs, why cant i use it? Is this a SIM property and my SIM happens to not have that storage or a modem property and its the EC21 thats just not able to access it?

Hello there
EC21-EUX return do not contain “ON”, if you want store in “ON”, you can execute AT$QCPBMPREF=1 then execute AT+CPBS=? will return “ON”, then you can write the phonenumber follow the step i provide you.
After write phonenumber, you can execute AT+CNUM read phonenumber.
It is worth noting that you must execute AT$QCPBMPREF=1(only once) before you execute AT+CNUM after reboot.

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That did the trick. The Modem now works as expected.

Thank you very much :star_struck: