EC21-E-TE-A documentation and schematic


I’m testing EC21E module using EVB EC21-E-TE-A. Is there any documentation and schematic?
I would like to test SDC1 (pins 129 to 136) but they are on the bottom of the module and I don’t know how to find them on the connector and/or on UTMS&LTE-EVB-v2.2 boards.

I attach image of the board I’m using.

WhatsApp Image 2021-06-10 at 08.24.52|281x500

What pins are connected to J205 and J204?


Hi there
I have send the document via email, please check your email, thank you.

Hello @Duncan.Xu-Q,

Thank you for sending me the docs. I was also able to retrieve from our seller so I’m now able to use J205 and J204 connectors on EC21-LTE-TE-A.


hi there
I am glad it is work for you, if you have any question, please feedback, thank you.

we have the same problem here. Could you please provide us with the docs too?
Many thanks in advance.