EC21-AU Problem with HTTPS Application

Hello everyone,

I’m using EC21-AU LTE module for an IoT application, firmware version : EC21AUGCR06A02M1G .
I got respond from HTTP GET request but failed when I try to send HTTPS GET request (almost website, except
My configuration:

  • AT+QHTTPCFG=“responseheader”,1.
  • AT+QHTTPCFG=“sslctxid”,1.
  • AT+QICSGP - AT+QIACT // I config APN from a VietNam network provider.
  • AT+QSSLCFG=“sslversion”,1,3 // SSL version : TLS 1.2 - I tried all version.
  • AT+QSSLCFG=“ciphersuite”,1,0XFFFF
  • AT+QSSLCFG=“seclevel”,1,0 // seclevel : 0.

When I send command AT+QHTTPURL – AT+QHTTPGET alway return 714 - HTTP DNS error despite of DNS not “” (I changed DNS to another provider network but not work).

I think problem is in the OpenSSL of module.
Can I get latest firmware to solve problem?

Thanks all

There are two options for you to choose: 1AT+QIDNSCFG reassigns a valid DNS server address. 2. Deactivate the PDP context through AT+QIDEACT, and reactivate the PDP context through AT+QIACT.
Best wishes

Hi FelixCheng, I tried two options above so many times but not work. :frowning_face:

Hi hoang_huynh
Please provide your email, I will send you the latest firmware.

Hi FelixCheng-Q,
This is my email :
Thanks for your support :smiley: