EC20F Android 12

Hello. I have ITX-3588J 8K AI Mini-ITX Mainboard board with EC20F. It has working 4G mobile data but I tried to get calls and sms without success. I can answer with ATA command but Android doesn’t have phone account and GUI notification. RadioInfo doesn’t work too. I checked Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_User_Guide_V2.0.pdf
Seems all good in Firefly BSP but it uses not public driver - Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_V3.5.13-20221027-tianqi
I added changes to enable calls and sms (provided patch).
Can you help with log anylizng?
Maybe i need new modem firmware.
01-19 07:36:16.512 D/PhoneCfgMgr( 1143): 103 failure. Not getting phone REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED

I tried EC25EUGAR06A05M4G too. Upload ec25 log. Same trouble.

Dear Customer,

Have it resolved?
I cannot open the log, we can discuss it by email.

Hi. Yes. Thanks for your answer. It was a Firefly code trouble. They used thread in Telephony. After cleaning code to AOSP version, we resolved issue.