EC200U SMS issue, CME ERROR: 58

Hi together,

I´ve purchased the Quectel EC200EU-EVAL-KIT and I´m trying to send a SMS. Everything is setup default so all jumpers are currently set and I use USB-C for power-supply.

Previously I worked with another module from another supplier and I´m using the same AT commands to unlock my SIM card as well as the module itself. I´m using my smartphone SIM card which supports 5G.

My sequence is the following:

  1. AT
  3. AT+CPIN?
  4. AT+CFUN=1
  5. AT+CFUN?
  6. AT+GTRAT?
  7. AT+GTRAT=0
  8. AT+GTRAT?
  9. AT+CREG?
  10. AT+COPS?
  11. AT+COPS=0
  12. AT+COPS?
  13. AT+CREG?
  14. AT+CSQ
  15. AT+CSCA?
  16. AT&W
  17. AT+CMGF=1
  18. AT+CMGF?
  19. AT+CMGS=“XYZ”
  20. Hello World!

Everytime I send the following commands

  • CPMS
  • CSCA
  • CMGF
  • CMGS

I receive CME ERROR: 58. Any idea what I´m doing wrong?

According to the industry standard 3GPP 27.007, CME error 58 means: language/alphabet not supported.

According to the the following sheet from quectel it should support all commands except GTRAT.

EC200U&EG915U Series - AT Commands Manual

So what is the right sequence to initialize and send an SMS with AT commands? I checked also the eval kit maybe some jumpers are setup wrong, but I didn´t find anything. Any idea?

The only initialization which should be necessary (SIM PIN unlocking aside) is setting text-mode with: AT+CMGF=1

What are your text-mode parameters? Command: AT+CSMP?

I receive the CME ERROR: 58

if I send any of the following AT commands:

  • AT+CMGF?
  • AT+CMGF=1
  • AT+CSMP?

Please also see screenshot.

This is puzzling. What do these AT commands return?


(post deleted by author)

I receive an error for the CESP command, see picture below:

Please try:


and power-cycle the modem.

"UCS2" and "UTF-8" may also be worth trying if you have no luck.

I tried to change it and it works to change CSCS, but the other commands still do not work. Please take a look at the log files.

QCOM_LOG.txt (446 Bytes)

My setup looks like the following:

I’m stumped. We need some input from Quectel engineers.

Thanks for you feedback. Lets wait for the Quectel engineers, hopefully they will answer soon.

So the solution was to update the FW of the module. I´ve ordered the QuecPython module which comes with the QuecPython FW instead of the normal FW. After a hint from Quectel update to the default firmware it works finally. Thank you for your support.

Thanks for the update. I’m glad you solved it.