EC200U + RNDIS + Static IP


I’m trying to set up internet connection with EC200U and access HTTP server on it from remote side. I’ve done this with UC200T by enabling NAT AT+QCFG="nat",1. But when I tried to run this command on EC200U, it returns +CME ERROR: Operation not allowed.

command:ATI                   response: Quectel
Revision: EC200UEUAAR03A15M08
command:AT+CPIN?              response: +CPIN: READY
command:AT+QCFG="usbnet"      response: +QCFG: "usbnet",3
command:AT+QCFG="nat"         response: +CME ERROR: Operation not allowed
command:AT+QCFG="nat",1       response: +CME ERROR: Operation not allowed
command:AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",0  response: OK
command:AT+CREG?              response: +CREG: 0,1
command:AT+CGREG?             response: +CGREG: 0,1
command:AT+QCFG="usbnet",3    response: OK
command:AT+QICSGP=1,1,"<MY_APN>","","",0  response: OK
command:AT+QIACT=1            response: OK
command:AT+QIACT?             response: +QIACT: 1,1,1,"<STATIC IP Address>"
command:AT+QNETDEVCTL=1,1,1   response: OK

udhcpc: started, v1.31.1
udhcpc: sending discover
udhcpc: sending select for    ->   Local IP Address
udhcpc: lease of obtained, lease time 30840
/etc/udhcpc.d/50default: Adding DNS
/etc/udhcpc.d/50default: Adding DNS

command:AT+QIACT?             response: +QIACT: 1,1,1,"<STATIC IP Address>"

How can I access HTTP Server from remote?

Hi @snanmre
To enable the nat function, run the following command.