EC200U Connecting to MQTT broker

I am facing this issue specifically with only one provider JIO in India as JIO only supports IPv6.
I am using EC200U-CN module & MQTT AT commands for communication.

In my application I am setting the PDP context using AT+QICSGP=1,3,“jionet” and activating it using AT+QIACT=1. After this I get an IPv6 address. I am able to read it using AT+QIACT?.

After this I want to connect to an mqtt broker that supports only IPv4 using the command AT+QMTOPEN=0,“”,1883 but I am unable to connect to the server and I always get +QMTOPEN: 0,4 as the response.

Please let me know if there is any way I can solve this problem.

PS: Using JIO I am able to communicate with AWS and Hive MQTT brokers with & without TLS. I am just unable to communicate with this server. So if anyone can even suggest how I can debug the problem even that helps.

Thanks in advance.