EC200U-CNAA OCPP 1.6 Boot notification not sending properly

Hello @Linh_Bui,

Greetings for the day,

Currently I am using the EC200U-CNAA Quectel EVK on the EVK I am running the latest SDK.

Using the web socket through TCP connection I am able to send the handshake request and also getting the response from the OCPP server.

But, When I send the boot notification request then suddenly TCP socket connection getting closed.

Can you guide which format I need to send to the server can accept it?
If you have sample AT command response for above scenario please share with me.

Here I have attached my AT command logs for your reference:


**[2023-06-15_14:21:59:307]+QIOPEN: 1,0**

**[2023-06-15_14:22:13:489]> GET /JIOTESTING001 HTTP/1.1**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:16:517]Upgrade: websocket**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:17:519]Connection: Upgrade**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:18:521]Sec-WebSocket-Key: gXWDjiKcOBqyTA2v/vFk6w==**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:20:527]Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ocpp1.6**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:21:529]Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXViCJ9**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:22:533]Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:31:702]SEND OK**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:32:024]+QIURC: "recv",1**

**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]+QIRD: 216**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]Upgrade: websocket**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]Connection: Upgrade**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]Sec-WebSocket-Accept: TuNHNYAVKuHKr8iSI6bmJmvayH4=**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ocpp1.6**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 08:52:31 GMT**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:35:095]server: uvicorn**


**[2023-06-15_14:22:41:166]> [**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]  2,**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]  "531531531",**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]  "BootNotification",**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]  {**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]    "chargePointVendor": "JIO",**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]    "chargePointSerialNumber": "dummyCP002",**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]    "chargePointModel": "JIOTEST"**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:43:756]  }**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:55:183]SEND OK**
**[2023-06-15_14:22:55:484]+QIURC: "recv",1**

**[2023-06-15_14:22:58:956]+QIRD: 4**

**[2023-06-15_14:22:59:072]+QIURC: "closed",1**

Thanks In Advance…

Is it just sending this specific json string will cause the socket close? If you’re using our Open Solution, please share your code with us (you may censor sensitive info like server IP since we’ll just look at the configuration) so that we can have a look at it.