EC200: Unable to establish PPP connection. Stable with EC25


we have replaced the EC25-EUX modules in our EVSE with the newer EC200A-EU modules, but we are facing issues where the EC200 modules cannot establish a PPP connection where the signal is weak.

We have tested different EC200A and U modules we have on hand against different EC25-EUX modules and found that the EC25 modules can easily establish a connection even if the reported RSSI under 2G or 4G is low (e.g. -105 to -79 dBm). The EC200 modules cannot establish a connection at all or only after very long time and then it´s unstable.

We tried setting the MCC+MNC and network mode manually and automatically, but the result is always the same.
EC200 works only when there is very good reception.

Any idea why this happens?
Is EC200 less sensitive than EC25 is or is using lower power RF amplifier?

The versions we have tested are:

Much appreciate your support

Best regards

The difference in Tx power and Rx sensitivity between the EC25 and EC200A does not exceed 1.5dB.
If the difference in antenna efficiency is not large, it is recommended to get the log for software analysis.

Make sure that EC200A it is registerred. If it is registerred maybe you can provide the pppd log.