Ec-25af band 66 and 71 hex value

Good afternoon,

what is the hexadecimal value for band 66 and band 71 on ec-25af and what is the command line to lock ac-25af modem to those values?

Thank you.

Dear Sir,
Sorry for delay answer you. Please check the following answer to your question. Thanks!
The following are the hexadecimal value for band 66 and band 71, if you want to lock module to those values, you can use the following AT command.



Thank you very much for your reply. Highly appreciate your help. I see you have an excel spreadsheet with Hexadecimal values for each band. Any chance you can upload it here or email me directly?

Thank you.

Dear Basil,
Please check the following excel with Hexadecimal values for each LTE band. Hopefully it is useful to you. Thanks!