Hello, I am trying to get CoAP working via DTLS using example 5.2 in datasheet Quectel_BG95BG77BG600L_Series_CoAP_Application_Note_V1.0
. When I try to handshake I get the error “DTLS handshaking failure” - according to the datasheet.
Module’s firmware: BG77LAR02A04_01.201.01.201
Here is the log:
[2024-01-22_11:57:50:584]+CEREG: 0,5
[2024-01-22_11:58:47:568]+QFUPL: 34,322e
[2024-01-22_11:59:02:479]+QCOAPOPEN: 0,-9
If I don’t use DTLS, but only CoAP, there is no problem and I always connect successfully.
Does anyone know what could be causing this please?
Thank you in advance for the answer.