Doubs about periodic mode with L86

Hi Support,
I’m using the module L86 with this release FW AXN_5.10_3333_17062100,0002,Quectel-L86,1.0.
In my application, the module is on a board installed in a car. While the cas is moving the module is in run mode while if the car is stopped the module is put into period mode
with this comand COM;SETPRMOPMODEQUECTEL;1;1;45000;12600000;120000;12600000;.
As soon as the car moves, the module is put into run mode with the command $PMTK225,02B.
In same case, while the car is moving ( after 4 hour ) I observe that the module L86 is blocked, I receive nothing (none NMEA sentence), resetting the module is back on.
I have a question, if the module L86 is switched off while it’s into periodic mode and after it’s switch on while the car moves and it doesn’t stop (so the module L86 doesn’t go into periodic mode), it’s possible that after 12600
second goes into period mode because I’don’t send the command $PMTK225,0


Hi Giampietro,
Yes, this command is keeping status after reboot .
It should be noted here that when configuring “$PMTK225,02B", it needs to be sent in Run time. If it succeeds, it will return "$PMTK001,225,335”.At this time, it will not enter the periodic mode.

Thanks & Best Regards