Does the EG91-E support USSD commands?

Hi there!

This is just a quick sanity check: does the EG91-E support USSD commands?

I can see in the AT manual section 11.8 that the “AT+CUSD” command is listed but this is no guarantee as the BG96 also lists the command even though it is not supported. See here:

Thanks in advance,

Hi Pieter
I’m glad to tell you that EG91 supports at+cusd command.
Quectel_EC2x&EG9x&EG2x-G&EM05_Series_AT_Commands_Manual_V2.0.pdf (1.7 MB)

It might support it but I’ve never seen it working on an EG91 even when on GSM. It could always be the networks not sending the code though.