Does RM502Q-AE Support Two NSA 5G Bands Aggregation?

For example is B3 + n41 + n78 supported? Can you please share what configurations are supported in NSA 5G if any?

Dear @Semsem
Due to some limitation, I can’t share the document to you directly.
Please point which combinations you are interested in.
RM520Q-AE doesn’t support B3 + n41 + n78 .

Please tell me if the module can do B1 + n41 + n78 OR B20 + n41+ n78
B3 + n78 + n78

Dear @Semsem
Sorry, RM502Q-AE doesn’t support 1LTE+2NR.
B1 + n41 + n78 OR B20 + n41+ n78 OR B3 + n78 + n78 are 1LTE+2NR.