[Document sharing]-FOTA_RDA

RDA FW Upgrade

In this document, it mainly introduces how to upgrade FW via FOTA based on EC600U.

Applicable modules: EC600U_CNLB、CNLC and EUAB

Operation procedure on EC600U_CNLB, CNLC and EUAB

  1. Extract upgrade file

Duplicate the .pac file from the “old” and “new” FW packages, then rename them as aa.pac and bb.pac separately.

  1. Make .bin file

Duplicate aa.pac and bb.pac into the root directory of FOTA, after that, execute AT commands as described below.

dtools.exe fotacreate2 --pac aa.pac,bb.pac,setting\fota8910.xml output.pack -d v

  1. Please check the result as described below.


Generate FotaFile.bin file for downloading and upgrading module.

  1. Place the upgrade file into http server

In this test, the address for downloading is shown as

SW design

import fota
import utime

DEF_URL1 = ''

def result(args):
    print('download status:', args[0], 'download process:', args[1])

def run():
    fota_obj = fota()  # Create FOTA object
    print("Enter Upgrade Status......")
    res = fota_obj.httpDownload(url1=DEF_URL1, callback=result)
    if res != 0:


Download and verify

SW code

Download .py file and run on module

After that, run the script manually.

The upgrade will be accomplished about 5 minutes later, as a result, you can query more details.

Input in interaction surface

>>> uos.uname2()
(sysname='EC600U-EUAB', nodename='EC600U', release='1.13.0', version='v1.12 on Tue_Oct_19_2021_5:26:44_PM', machine='EC600U with QUECTEL', qpyver='V0002')

By verifying, the upgrade is a success.