[Document sharing]-Camera Debug


Based on quecpthon, this document introduces how to realize camera preview, code scanning and photographing functions through camera module, including interface, configuration process and examples.

At present, quecpython supports two kinds of camera ICs. Subsequent updates will continue

-Bf3901 (8W pixels)
-Gc032a (30W pixels)

The following experiments take gc032a as an example

Schematic analysis

Firstly, the schematic diagram is analyzed to determine the model and pin configuration of camera

Pins: SCK, SDA (IIC pin is used to configure and read the register of sensor)

MCLK: master clock provided to sensor

SPI_ CLK: SPI clock output from sensor to module

Data0: camera SPI data bit 0

Dara1: camera SPI data bit 1

Pwdn: camera off

Camera related interfaces

​ The camera interface mainly refers to the wiki ([camera_api library] on the official website(Quectel QuecPython 类库API说明))

Camera configuration development process

LCD initialization (not required)

​ If the preview function is required in this part, the LCD needs to be initialized first.

​ For specific implementation, refer to (LCD instructions

Preview function

​ This part only realizes the preview function of the device.

import camera

preview1 = camera.camPreview(0,640,480,240,320,2)



Code scanning function

This part realizes preview and code scanning functions.

def sacn_call(para):

import camera
Scan = camera.camscandecode (0,1640480,2240320) # requires preview function and LCD
# Scan = camera.camscandecode (0,1640480,0) # no preview function is required, i.e. no LCD


Photographing function

This part of the function realizes the preview and photographing functions.

def cap_call(para):

import camera
cap = camera.camCaputre(0,640,480,0,240,320)



Appendix a abbreviations of terms

Table 2: Abbreviations of terms

abbreviation 		 Full English name 						 Full Chinese name

LCD  	 Liquid Crystal Display  			 Liquid crystal display

SPI  	 Serial Peripheral Interface  	 Serial peripheral interface

Would this work on a EG916Q-GL?

Do you need to use EG916Q? Quecpython should not support EG916Q at this time.

I’m currently using both EC200U-EU and EG800Q with an external MCU. I was hoping to attach a camera to one of the Quectel 4G module and hoping this can be done over AT command (snap an image, send to a server maybe through FTP) but I’m not sure if this is available. EG916Q-GL is mentioned because it has camera.

EG916Q does not support Quecpython. If you use the AT command, should you use the standard scheme instead of the Quecpython scheme?

I’m settling down with an EC200UEU.

Do you plan to use Quecython or the standard solution?

Quecython implements functionality through an API, while the standard scheme implements functionality through AT instructions

I have jumped into EC200U to run QuecPython. Quectel told me there’s no plan to support the camera through AT command at the moment.

ok, please refer to the link below for instructions on camera

QuecPython Multimedia - QuecPython (quectel.com)

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