[Document sharing]-Audio

HW Connection

EVB type Corresponding pin on EVB Corresponding connection location On EVB Corresponding Audio channel
PIN21、PIN22 J7 Channel 0
EC600U_QuecPython_EVB_V1.3 PIN21、PIN22
J6: PIN14、PIN15
Channel 0
Channel 2

As for EC600S/N, the HW connection is shown as following figure.


As for EC600U_channel 0, the HW connection is shown as following figure.


As for EC600U_channel 2, the HW connection is shown as following figure.


Download and verify

  1. Adjust the code commentary according to the test scenario

    import utime as time
    import audio
    from machine import Pin
    # For EC600S and EC600N, there is no need to do any change, just play it. 
    # For the channel 0 of EC600U, No 18th line should be commented out, as it has no influece on playing. 
    # For the channel 2 of EC600U, No. 12th and No. 19th lines sould be commented out, and delete the commentary of No.13th line.
    def example_audio_mp3():
        aud = audio.Audio(0)  # Configure channel 0
        # aud = audio.Audio(2)  # Cobfigure channel 2
        # Enable external speaker to play
        # Pin(Pin.GPIO11, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_PD, 1)  # Applicable to Official EVB V1.1
        Pin(Pin.GPIO9, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_PD, 1)  # Applicable to Official EVB V1.2 and V1.3
        # U: refer to user directory, The file will be downloaded to /user file via GUI. 
        aud.play(2, 1, "U:/example.mp3")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  2. Download the example.mp3 (involved in the package) and modified example_audio_file.py into EVB.

  3. Run example_audio_file.py script.

The matched code

Download code and audio file

I saw on SCH, enable audio is pin40 ~ GPIO24, but here, you are using GPIO9 ~ Pin9? @Felix.feng-Q

Could you tell me the model of module you use?Is it EC600U?