DM Port for EM12G MSFT

Im trying to get access to DM Port for EM12G MSFT but have no success
Windows recognizes modem and can work work with it without problem.
The problem is that at port has HW ID USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_04 and to install driver for it ive to force driver manually. The same thing for NMEA Port which has id USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_02.
But there is no DM Port … Windows shows one more device with hw id USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_03. Ive tried to force driver as DM Port but have no success in communication with this port.

Complete list of devices

USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_00 - PPP (recognized by windows as Network Adapters\Surface Mobile Broadboard and it can up lte connection without problem)
USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_02 - NMEA Port (If connect to this com port it starts logging NMEA protocol messages)
USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_03 - ?DM Port (possibly DM port but for eg qpst dont see phone connection as well as qflash)
USB\VID_2C7C&PID_0307&MI_04 - AT port (works well and I can send AT command)

Any ideas? Is this drivers problem or some limits from Microsoft? How can I access to DM Port on MSFT modem?

Mikrotik also dont want to recognize it and just spamming to logs “lte1: no response for: AT E0 V1”

Drivers ver 2.6.0

This appears to be a special version, so Quectel should provide them with special drivers.

I‘ve never seen the 2C7C/0307.

Could you show the device manager?

If it is a specifical firmware for special customer, I am afraid that I cannot provide you the driver.
Maybe you can change the PID?

As I told before all COM ports where forced drivers manually. NMEA and AT ports works well

How I can find out it?

Using AT+QCFG=“usbcfg” ?

For the moment it shows this

+QCFG: “usbcfg”,0x2C7C,0x0307,1,1,1,1,1,0,0

I cannot find any info abut it.
Where did you get it and what is the current firmware version.

Its modem from Microsoft Surface. And probably the correct model will sounds like “EM12GPA-512-MSFT3”

Changing PID helped to make it work on Mikrotik Router. Have not fully tested it yet (with sim cad and internet connectivity). At least it no up lte interface and it can see imei

But it still need to find the answer how to have access to DM port

but need firmware unobtainable; I had one (fw) from msft2 that works well on mikrotik, otherwise try here.

Yes. Ive read about usb_boot but what contact to short? If Im right its VREG_L6_1P8

Ive tested it not on Mikrotik and it seams that it work. The only thing Ive noticed that I need to select band manually to make it work. At least it did not want to up connection until I have selected bunds. And it have for the moment firmware is EM12GPAR01A09M4G_MSFT and I want to try to flash EM12GPAR01A15M4G_MSFT

Hi Sergey, it is VREG_L6_1P8 + force_usb_boot but [leave short once appears on the port] need to disable quectel dm driver and install qualcomm dm one and use Q_flash 4.18 at 460800 baud ; but be aware for firmware it can brick or put in test_mode if .xqcn internal file is corrupted or missing.

  1. thx
  2. By the way correct me if Im wrong … MSFT does not exposes DM port at all and only USB boot method only the way to flash firmware … am I right?
  3. Did you change PID to make it work on Mikrotik router? My started to work only after Ive changed PID to 0512. Mikrotik finally was able to initialize modem but by default it does not start connection and only after I’ve selected bands it up the connection.

This one msft2 was succesfull recognized in w10 & mik and no need to select band & pid, howewer later I ensured it was in AT+QCFG=“usbnet”,2 and reflashed with same fw EM12GPAR01A09M4G_MSFT_01.001.01.001 only for curiosity.

Im not sure but I think that devices are “shifted” from original composition of EM12 and that is why devices are not recognized by windows (Im speaking about AT and NMEA ports) … except DM port which does not want to work at all.
My msft3 seems to work well in windows as lte connection … the problem is only accessing functionality that require COM ports =)

By the way … How MK identify modem in USB devices list? Ive changed PID but MK still identify it as Surface modem

Ic … the same for me

But I also saw that some guy have changed his modem and it identify it as regular EM12-G despite its msft3


hi i have message sir please answer it