Difference between BG95-M3 modules

What is the difference between BG95M3LAR02A0 and BG95M3LAR02A04?

You need to pay attention to the release notes in the firmware file
Quectel_BG95M3_Firmware_Release_Notes_V0204_01.003.01.003.pdf (911.8 KB)

Thanks for the quick reply. I would like to know more
1 - as described in response to AT + QGMR
2 - we have modules BG95M3LAR02A03_01.011.01.011.
This version of the module is not described in the BG95M3 Release Notes.

Quectel_BG95M3_Firmware_Release_Notes_V0203_01.011.01.011.pdf (920.4 KB)