Custom content type in HTTP POST in EC200u

We trying post since long, other url able to post but our server that i tested on old Simcom modules & Now we shifting to quectel as having meeting with quectel team india & found below issue for same tested URL :

Quectel documentation saying, it can be numerical only
while we need to pass our custom content type : application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json


As you can see in our postman is success .

& this 415 error comes , when we send wrong or empty content type
it simple means, i must need to pass our custom content type :

Please see our images attached, I tried to find in datasheet, nothing than fix content types, we can pass, should i try in custom header to pass this , Could someone pls suggest .

Hi @narend
Can you try using context-type No. 2?

after 2 month you replied with incorrect solution, so no mean , btw my solution is (it may help others) :

Passing this content type in request header.