CTS and RTS in EC25

the hardware flow control CTS and RTS in UART interface, is enabled in default condition? If no, how can I enable it?

My module is:
Revision: EC25EUXGAR08A08M1G

Query current setting with AT+IFC?

Set syntax:


Parameter values:

<dce_by_dte> Specifies the method that will be used by TE when receiving data from TA
0 None
2 RTS flow control

<dte_by_dce> Specifies the method that will be used by TA when receiving data from TE
0 None
2 CTS flow control

Thanks snowgum,

In the AT command manual, the command AT+IFC refer to behavior of the serial port for “data mode” and not at-command mode.

The following command activates the CTS-RTS for at-command mode also?
AT+IFC= 2,2

Cosider that I don’t use the “data mode”. I’d like to use the CMUX (all the four virtual com) for AT-Commad and for this I’d like to activate the CTS-RTS flow control.

You might need to compile a C program to test the effect in command mode. I found this:
