Create RTK with LC29HBA and LC29HBS

I am looking to make an RTK using LC29HBA and LC29HBS with DR.
The current firmware is
I would like to have the latest firmware if available and also the documentation.

Thank you in advance.

Hi rim
LC29HBSNR11A01S is the latest software version.
LC29HBA has a newer software version, I will send it to you via message.

thankyou for firmware .
Are there any documents or other materials that actually implement RTK using LC29HBA/HBS?

Hi rim
I will send it to you via message.

Can you send me the documentation, too?
I am struggling with the BS alone at the moment (no fix)

Hi intimo
LC29HBS only outputs RTCM messages by default, and the Fix status will not be displayed on the QGNSS tool. If you want to confirm whether the module is positioned, you can turn on the RMC statement to view the positioning effect. Please refer to the protocol document for the command. I will send you the document via message.
$PAIR062,4,0*3A //close RMC
$PAIR062,4,1*3B //open RMC