Connecting EC25-EUX to AWS


I am using Quectel mini PCIe EVB kit with the EC25-EUX modem to connect it to AWS.

Firstly, I tried connecting to a Mosquitto server configuring the TCP/IP protocol and establishing a MQTT communication. The steps I followed are the following:

1.) AT+QICSGP=1,1,“[MYAPN]”,“[USER]”,[PASSWD]",0
2.) AT+QIACT=1
3.) AT+QMTOPEN=0,“”,1883

This way, I have been able to connect to mosquitto and publish or subscribe to a topic.

Now I want to do the same but connecting to AWS instead. I have the client, server and private key certificates and I am doing these steps, following the SSL example in Quectel MQTT documentation (

1.) AT+QICSGP=1,1,“[MYAPN]”,“[USER]”,[PASSWD]“,0
→ OK
2.) AT+QIACT=1
→ OK
3.) AT+QMTCFG=“SSL”,0,1,0
→ OK
4.) AT+QFUPL=“RAM:cacert.pem”,1188,100
→ OK
5.) AT+QFUPL=“RAM:client.pem”,1420,100
→ OK
6.) AT+QFUPL=“RAM:user_key.pem”,1888,100
→ OK
7.) AT+QSSLCFG=“cacert”,0,“RAM:cacert.pem”
→ OK
8.) AT+QSSLCFG=“clientcert”,0,“RAM:client.pem”
→ OK
9.) AT+QSSLCFG=“clientkey”,0,“RAM:user_key.pem”
→ OK
10.) AT+QSSLCFG=“seclevel”,0,2
→ OK
11.) AT+QSSLCFG=“sslversion”,0,4
→ OK
12.) AT+QSSLCFG=“ciphersuite”,0,0xFFFF
→ OK
13.) AT+QSSLCFG=“ignorelocaltime”,0,1
→ OK
14.) AT+QMTOPEN=0,”[AMAZON_URL]",8883
→ OK
→ +QMTOPEN=0,-1 (Failed to open network)

Does anybody see where I am doing something wrong? I read that sometimes it’s not necessary to upload the server certificate, but I get the same result…

Any kind of comment or contribution will be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

please refer to the sharing

Hi @herbert.pan-Q

Thanks for answering! I have followed the steps mentioned in the document attached, but I have found out that the PING command doesn’t return anything until the timeout runs out. I have done AT+CREG? but it return 0,5. Does that have to do with it?

I am using a SIM card that can only reach AWS IoT Core. Could there be a problem with the SIM card and I cannot reach the endpoint configured?


Please provide your complete test log