Configure L86 module

Hi I want to configure L86 module output datarate to 10Hz.

  1. Is there is any particular software for this?
  2. Or I need to send command at time of powering module every time.
  3. what baud rate is best for 10Hz output.

Hi Sha,

  1. On L86, you need to send command $PMTK220,100*2F to set 10Hz output rate. You can download QGNSS tool from QGNSS_V1.10_EN | Quectel. It’s a useful tool for debugging on Quectel module.

  2. The confgurations are stored in RAM. You need to keep VBCKP power supply it you don’t want to send the commands again when power up.

  3. For 10Hz fix rate, the baud rate should be 57600 bps or higher.

Best regards.