Configure a single SBAS PRN ? LC76G/LC29H

Is it possible to set a single SBAS PRN?

For my location there is a single RPN (SouthPAN PRN 122) that we need utilise.
Ie. Ignoring EGNOS/GAGAN/MSAS/ WAAS (except #35)
Appears that theres onkly PAIR410 SBAS enabled or disabled & 411 Get Status - and thats it.

If not, are there any quectel gnss modules that support this?

Hi Brada,

I check from the official website. It says the service is not open yet. For our team, currently we don’t have the corresponding protocol of SouthPAN service.

SouthPAN frequency band is supported by Quectel LC76G and LC86G module. If you have captured SouthPAN satellite from your side, you can share me the log through message. And our team will try to verify it.

Best regards.

Just a note that SouthPAN is currently broadcasting an L1 service, using the same message structures as other SBAS systems (such as WAAS/EGNOS).
However, until the system is fully safety-of-life certified, it is required to broadcast “Message Type 0”, at least every 6 seconds (so that aircraft avionics don’t accidentally use it).
That said, in this mode, non-safety-of-life users can utilise the data broadcast in MT0 as through it is a MT2 message. This is described briefly in the Service Definition Document (
As well as the standard DO-229F, section A.4.4.1.

Hi @Dave_Collett
It is currently developed on the modules of LC26GAB and LC79HAL. It is expected that the software version that supports Southpan can be exported early next year.
It is expected that LC76G and LC29H will support this feature next year.

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Thanks George, that’s great to hear!