Configuration for voxl2 to automatically connect to LTE after coming out of out of service

We have a modal AI drone with Quectel RM502Q-AE connected to 4G LTE private network . We are doing some test where device will loose LTE connectivity and we want to check how quickly it can reconnect to the network . We noticed that quectel modem doesn’t try to reconnect at all even after waiting for 10 mins . We can only reconnect after rebooting the quectel device . We have phones which does reconnect but not this quectel model . Is there some configuration file that we can set with some AT command to perform network scan or something like airplane mode on/off ? what should that command be ?
I noticed in this forum discussion related to forcing manually using below command . Is this the right way to set it up .

Or, AT+COPS=0,7

Please let me know what I can configure so device does a quick reconnect attempt to LTE private network

Dear @ifthasan27

did you use 5G function? Or only want to reconnect to 4G firstly after disconnect.

Thank you for your response .yes, I only want the modem to connect to 4G ( only 4G service available) and want to force modem to reconnect to 4G as soon as it looses connectivity . Is there any AT command we can send to the modem or configure the modem to look to 4G when it looses connectivity. Right now , it seems that the modem is not even attempting to connect to any network after it loose connectivity . Initially ,the modem was connected to 4G private network and we want to reconnect back to same network after disconnection

Dear @ifthasan27
You can use this command to force on LTE only, hope it can help you.
AT+QNWPREFCFG= “mode_pref”,LTE

Thank you again for your response . Greatly appreciated. . The command for “mode pref” enables us to setup a new connection upon device power up to a LTE network . But if device looses this connectivity, we are not seeing any reattempt by the device to connect to LTE network again . Only workaround is to power up the device again. We would like device to retry LTE connection

You need to distinguish between the luck of network registration and luck of data connection.
The 1st is typically maintained by the modem itself, so check if you have any issue like that first.
The 2nd (when the modem is in QMI or MBIM mode) is a responsibility of the host system. Typically the user-space application running on the host is responsible for connection establishment, monitoring and restoration. If this is the issue you have then you should contact your host device (drone) manufacturer.

Thank you for your response . Based on your comment, quectel modem is residing on the Modal AI VOXL2 system . If we are just talking about the quectel modem, it doesn’t try to initiate a LTE attach attempt once it comes back from out of service and 4G network is available . Initially the modem was connected to the same 4G network before going to out of service