Change default "NMEA" port (EC200U-EU)

I need to change default nmea port from usb to uart2 ( debug) but I can’t access usb port to send command " AT+QGPSCFG=“outport” " to that . I only have access to Main UART .( which accept command to gsm part when I send command to GPS part it give error CME 58 )

Have you installed the corresponding USB driver?

I can’t connect USB , I only have a microcontroller beside this module which talk to EC200 with main UART by AT command .I need a command or firmware which change default port of nmea by AT command from main UART .

The command is what you mentioned before, as follows:

hi am trying GNSS using EC200U . am trying with the Qnavigator to connect it. but it was not showing the port. i need a USB driver to support it. so could you send me the link for that driver