CC600D-LS Module with Emnify/SKYLO sim support

Hi everyone!
I’m working on the quectell CC660D-LS module with integrated eminy/skylo sim. I connected the module to a Raspberry Pi to be able to integrate sensors in the future. I actually access to the module via minicom from the raspberry and I followed the entire configuration procedure for connection to the skylo/eminy network with the AT commands. Specifically:

  • I set and query APN and all it’s ok
  • I configure to the right Skylo bands
  • I set the GNSS information of my location
  • I check network connectivity with AT command CEREG, and I received CEREG=2 so I think it’s ok
  • I check the NTN network connectivity qith AT+COPS command, and I verify that I was registered to the Skylo Network

After that I tried to send an IP packet with AT+PING= and i noticed that the module sent a packet that then it’s lost:

+ping: begin,, data size= 64

+ping: finish, Packets: Sent = 1, Received =0, Lost = 1 (100% loss)

+ping: RTT statistics: Minimum = 0, Maximum =0, Average = 0

Then I activate the PDP context with command AT+CGATT=1 that gives me back “OK” but when I tried another time to sent an IP packet, I had the same outcome as before.

Can anyone help me and explain why I can’t send IP packets? Since the configuration was successful, the only doubt I had was that the module was not powered correctly. I’m only connecting the module to the PC through USB-to-UART interface, that i’m using to sending AT command and also to powering the module

Skylo only supports UDP frames.
TCP is not supported.
ICMP Ping frames are not supported as well

Build a UDP server on internet ant try to send UDP frames to that server.
Use IP address of the UDP server, don’t use hostname and DNS query.

You can build a ping server over UDP, just replying the same content to the source IP and source port of the received message.

Ok thanks a lot!
Yes, I read in the manual that Skylo only supports UDP frames… and in fact I didn’t understand very well, reading in this guide → Test the Quectel CC660D-LS radio module | emnify Documentation, the test to Generate IP data traffic by PING over ICMP.