Bug on Qnavigator

Hi, Qnavigator is a very good tool that I was using for 2 years. Today I have received a new Dev kit Quectel BG95-M3.

  1. I tried to install drivers it installed but it was not showing ATport as it used to show for EG25-G with USB. But when I open Qcom the at port was visible. But when I open Qnavigator it was not showing the at port why? FYI I have tried by selecting all the board on
    Qnavigator still didn’t show.
  2. As it was not showing I used serial port for sending at commands with Qnavigator. I received an SMS but it didn’t give me +CMTI: “ME”,0 message on serial. when I enter command then it was showing me SMS. FYI I have used Qcom with the same scenario it displayed me a notification that I received an SMS.

Please email to support@quectel.com to get the latest version of QNavigator.