BG96 UDP buffered access mode - Receive buffer size?


One of our stresstests seems to indicate that the BG96 has trouble when about 20 UDP packets (of max 30 bytes) are sent to it at the same time. Is this expected?

Exact test:
Created UDP socket on modem, in buffered access mode
Send 20 UDP packets to it
Use AT+QIRD to read packets
Typically 10 to 12 packets found

I also ran tests using Direct Push Mode.

When sending 20 messages with 100ms between them, all 20 are received. (Raw log here)
When sending 20 messages with 50ms between them, all 20 are received. (Raw log here)
When sending 20 messages with 30ms between them, all 20 are received. (Raw log is in next post, forum prohibits me from adding 4 links here)
When sending 20 messages with 10ms between them, only 15 are received. (Raw log is in next post, forum prohibits me from adding 4 links here)

In the case of missing messages at 10 ms, it seems to always be the first 5 messages are missing!

I would really appreciate some feedback.

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Raw log for 30 ms
Raw log for 10 ms

The size of bg96 UDP receiving buffer is 10K .

For AT+QIRD , we can read up to 1500 bytes at one time

Thanks! And is there a limit on the number of messages? Or any number of messages that together fit in that 10K?