BG96 RESET_N Internal Function


We are using the BG96, sometimes we need to reset and use the RESET_N line. We are using an active time of 400ms for the reset.

Sometimes this reset fails and we do not get the expected behavior of the reset, we are investigating the cause.

We would like to know how the RESET_N is connected internally, is it a true reset or monitored by software?

We would also like to get a copy of the firmware change logs to rule out that possibility.
nmcli show “BG96MAR03A05M1GA” as the firmware revision.

Thank you

The Reset pin is connected to the PMU, which will cause the output power of the PMU inside the module to restart. There is software in PMU to detect this pin.
If the RESET pin cannot be reset, you need to turn off the module’s power supply and restart it.